Join us for church. we do things you might expect if you’ve been to a church service before

We listen to God speak to us through his word as the Bible is read; we speak to God in prayer; we sing songs which give expression to our relationship with God, we listen to a talk based on the Bible and which helps us understand what God is saying to us; and we spend time gathered as God’s family, enjoying one another’s company, encouraging one another, praying with one another, and helping one another grow as followers of Jesus.

Sunday 10AM Service

Every Sunday, you’ll be welcomed at the door by a member of our welcoming team.

During the service, children join the adults for the first part of the service and then, about halfway through the service, the children head off for Sunday School (Kindergarten to Year six). There is crèche which runs for the entire service for one to four years old. All our crèche workers, Sunday school teachers and helpers are trained and have both State Government Working with Children and Presbyterian Church Breaking the Silence child protection accreditation.

We’d love you to join us after the service as we continue to gather together in the hall for morning tea. The coffee and food is free of charge.

If on-street parking is unavailable, free parking is available during Sunday services in the CCAMLR Car Park opposite the church on Macquarie Street. This car park can be accessed via the second driveway on the left past the Barrack Street intersection. Please do not park in the private car park next door to CCAMLR.

first Sundays AT 5PM

We meet at 5pm on the first Sunday of each month in the church hall for worship and a shared meal.

At this informal gathering we sit around tables, we sing, we pray, we listen to God’s word, and we listen to one another. A highlight of our time together is the relaxed time we enjoy after the service as we eat a meal together from food we bring and share.

Everyone of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to join us for our 5pm service. While there is no formal children's ministry, we would love families to join us, and children will always be welcome to stay in the hall during the service (they can get comfortable on bean bags or they can make themselves at home on a large rug), and the creche is accessible straight off the hall for the smallest ones.

If you are a follower of Jesus, or new to the city, or are wondering what the message of Jesus is all about, or if you are looking for community and a chance to eat a healthy meal with others, please join us in our church hall on the first Sunday of the month at 5pm. The church hall is accessible off the laneway between Macquarie and Davey Streets.


listen online

You can find our weekly sermons on Spotify