Our Ministries

  • Sunday School

    Sunday School, which meets during our 10.00am service, includes singing, age-appropriate Biblical teaching and games. If your child is attending Sunday School for the first time, please feel free to come out with them after the Kid’s Talk. (Sunday School meets only during Tasmanian public school terms). 

  • Creche

    A crèche is available for younger children during the 10.00am service. Children may be signed in to the crèche through the door to the left of the pulpit before the service or as the Sunday School children leave after the Kid’s Talk.

  • Parenting Room

    A parenting room with a change table and comfortable couches is provided during both services for parents and babies through the door to the left of the pulpit. The service is screened on a television so that you may continue to participate.

  • Connect Groups

    Connect Groups meet most weeks to study the bible, pray and encourage one another. There are daytime and evening groups spread across the city as well as a specific group for young adults and a Tuesday morning group for women.

  • Youth Group

    The St John’s Youth Group meets in school term on a Friday nights from 7.00pm. All youth in Years 7-12 are invited to join, and parents are welcome to stay and watch. The program includes clear, straight-forward teaching and prayer, plenty of games & activities and food. There are also opportunities throughout the year to attend camps and excursions.

  • Friends of Mission

    The Friends of Mission meet in the church hall at 12.30pm on the first Thursday of each month for lunch, fellowship and to hear about how the gospel is being taken to the nations. There will usually be an engaging talk from a visiting missionary or from other missionary representatives. If you are interested in missions, you are most welcome to attend.

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    Missions Partners

    St. John’s supports multiple families and individuals serving God locally and worldwide.

  • Library

    The St. John’s Library, in the Bellkirk building on Davey Street, is well supplied with a large variety of Christian books. It is open each Sunday after the morning service and mid-week 10.00am - 4.00pm Tuesday & Thursday. Membership of the library is free.

  • Asking for help

    If you or someone you know is facing hardship, our Deacons can help. Ask one of our welcomers to introduce you to a Deacon when you arrive at church, or alternatively you can contact the office.

Mission Partners


Kim Jaeger
Rural Chaplain

Christine Jolly
University Fellowship of Christians


Olive Road Tasmania
Building Stronger Communities